Reads, Advent Christian ChurchReads, Of Kenenth City, Florida

Archived Sermons:

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  • (2019.05.19) A Relationship that should be Our Highest Priority.
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    John 6:59. Following Jesus is a calling on all our lives and it is an invitation to a relationship with Jesus. That relationship should be our highest prioirty in each of our lives.

  • (2019.05.12) Choices.
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    We must make choices every day and every minute. What do we base those choices on? What is the world view we weigh those choices upon and when making them do we put our trust in the promises of God?

  • (2019.05.05) Worship God.
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    Who or what do we worship? What is our attitude in worship? Worship, true worship, requires trust in God and that He is in control.

  • (2019.04.28) The Word of God.
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    What is the Bible? What does it tell us? The Bible is the number one seller in the world but we take it for granted. It is the Word of the Lord and it is precious and should be something that we take daily time to read and meditate upon.

  • (2019.04.21) Easter Sermon only, from Rev. Chad C. Fernald: The Way Back Home.
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    What does it mean to be the body of Christ? Pastor Harold opens up the plan and working of Christ for the world and how we as Christians are the presence of Christ in it today.

  • (2019.04.21) Easter full service (minus music). Sermon from Rev. Chad C. Fernald: The Way Back Home.
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    What does it mean to be the body of Christ? Pastor Harold opens up the plan and working of Christ for the world and how we as Christians are the presence of Christ in it today.

  • (2019.03.24) The signs can be warnings or encouragements.
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    Pastor Harold looks at the signs of the times and reminds us that Jesus Christ is coming again. He shares with us the all the promises that God makes, He keeps. Jesus is going to return. How are we living in the light of this message?

  • (2019.04.14) Unseen things above.
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    We Christians must not choose the world but instead choose Christ and the promises from above which come from the throne of God in heaven.

  • (2019.04.07) The Church, the body of Christ.
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    What does it mean to be the body of Christ? Pastor Harold opens up the plan and working of Christ for the world and how we as Christians are the presence of Christ in it today.

  • (2019.03.31) What does a Christian look like?
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    When you think of a Christian, what is the image you see? What are the qualities and characteristics that makes up who a Christian is? Is it simply anyone who calls themselves a Christian?

  • (2019.03.17) Follow Jesus, the Price, and the Value.
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    Who does the world say that Jesus is and who do you say Jesus is? What is the price and value in following Jesus in your life? Most importantly, what difference does your answer make in your life and how you live in this world?

  • (2019.03.10) Trials.
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    Pastor Harold discusses why we as Christians should consider it all joy when we face trials and tribulations. We are reminded that God is control and doesn't waste the trials we go through when you go through them with Him.

  • (2019.03.03) From the wilderness to the promise land.
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    Are we as Christians living still in the wilderness, refusing to enter into and conquer the land promised by Jesus?

  • (2019.02.24) Follow Jesus - Part 2.
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    This is part two of Pastor Harold's sermon message on following Jesus. What does following Jesus lead to?

  • (2019.02.17) Follow Jesus - Part 1.
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    What does Following Jesus look like? Luke 5:1-10. Following starts out by listening to Him.

  • (2019.02.10) Awesome God.
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    We serve an awesome God, a God in our finite nature it is impossible to fully see His infinite nature. But we know that He is beyond compare and that God the Father sees and knows us fully. Given that knowledge, if God were to come and dissect your spiritual heart, what would He find, what is number one in your heart?

  • (2019.02.03) Called for this time.
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    You are where you are because of the sovereignty of God. And this holy and righteous God, the one God, has called us and given us specific abilities to use for His glory. Are you using them?

  • (2019.01.27) What we learn from Samson.
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    The modern Christian in the American church has a lot in common with Samson of the Old Testament. Pastor Harold shares the warnings we must see in this story and how we must examine our vows and our walk with God the Father.

  • (2019.01.20) You can get back up.
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    When we fail and miss the mark falling into sin we can get back up because of Jesus Christ.

  • (2019.01.13) Salvation.
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    How do we receive salvation? What does salvation look like according to Scripture? Pastor Harold walks us through salvation in Christ.

  • (2019.01.06) Trust the Lord.
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    Why should we trust in the Lord? Pastor Harold encourages us to look to God.

  • (2018.12.30) A New Year.
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    Pastor Harold looks forward into the coming new year and how we can be prepared for what is coming.

  • (2018.12.16) Because of Bethlehem part 2.
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    Pastor Harold continues on the importance of the birth of Jesus and it's importance for us.

  • (2018.12.09) Because of Bethlehem.
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    It is because of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem that we have Easter and can see the face of God.

  • (2018.12.02) Vision.
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    Pastor Harold shows us that faith is the food upon which vision lives.

  • (2018.11.18) Giving Thanks.
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    Pastor Harold walks us through Psalm 100 and what it means to give thanks to our Lord and Savior.

  • (2018.11.11) Unleashing ministry through generous giving.
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    Sermon by Pastor Chad Fernald, President of Southern District of Florida Conference, Advent Christian Denomination

    Ministry is unleashed when all of God's people act upon the principle of giving.

  • (2018.11.04) We are different.
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    Christians are supposed to stand apart. Because we are new creatures in Christ we are different from the rest of the world in how we live and work.

  • (2018.10.21) How to survive in this world.
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    What does the Word of God say about surviving in this current sinful world? How do we, the redeemed of Christ, deal with the hardships and trials that come upon us?

  • (2018.10.14) Following Jesus
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    What does it look like to follow Jesus? Pastor Harold reveals how the choices we make every day impact our future and challenges us to make those choices based on the truth that we will stand before Jesus one day.

  • (2018.10.07) Confidence in God
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    Pastor Harold challenges us to examin whether or not we have confidence in God. Having confidence or not determines how we live daily and react to thing in our lives.

  • (2018.09.30) Who we are
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    Pastor Harold takes a look at who we are from 1 Peter 2. God has made us so that the world would see and know who He is.

  • (2018.09.23) Being a Small Congregation
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    Pastor Chad Fernald, President of Southern District of Florida Conference, Advent Christian Denomination, shares with us that just because we are a small congregation does not mean that God doesn't hear us. In fact, we are very much like what God intended for His church.

  • (2018.09.16) The 10 Commandments for End Times
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    Pastor Paxton shares with us 10 commandments that Peter gives us for living in the end times. 1 Peter 4.

  • (2018.09.09) What do you get when you are saved?
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    Just what is it you get when you come to believe in Jesus as both Lord and Savior of your life? Pastor Paxton discuss the value of our salvation and what we have received from God.

  • (2018.09.02) Who do you say I Am?
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    Who do you say Jesus is? It's a question that He asked His disciples and it's a question that He asks us today. It is not just an intellectual question because the answer is life altering.

  • (2018.08.26) Religion for Rent.
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    Or put another way, "Religion for Hire." It's a common attitude in America - "I've done something for God, God will do something for me."

  • (2018.08.19) Judgment
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    There are things happening in the environment around the world that we are taking for granted but they are judgments for sin.

  • (2018.08.12) A Holy God
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    Is your picture of God one of a holy God? We often forget that God is holy and we also forget that He is our source of righteousness and protection.

  • (2018.08.05) What we choose
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    We choose the direction of our life here and in the next life with the decisions we make. Those decisions sometimes seem insignificant, but they are not.

  • (2018.07.29) Things I'm Learning
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    Pastor Harold talks about the things he is learning at the passing of his son, Philip, and about what he has seen God do.

  • (2018.07.22) Exiles
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    Church memeber Caleb Bleattler fills in for Pastor Harold this week and gives the message this week detailing the theme of Exiles we find in the Bible starting with Genesis and shows us how we today are exiles here in this fallen world.

  • (2018.07.15) Sermon by Pastor Sam Infanzon
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    Pastor Sam fills in for Pastor Harold. He shares with us the comfort we have in Christ and how we are warriors.

  • (2018.07.08) Intercessory Prayer
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    Pastor Harold shares with us the importance of prayer where we intercede with God the Father on behalf of others and their needs.

  • (2018.07.01) What our nation was built on.
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    Pastor Harold shares with us what founders of the USA had to say about God.

  • (2018.06.24) What is salvation?
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    Just what is salvation and how is it gotten?

  • (2018.06.17) What are you selling?
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    Giving his father the day off for Father's Day, Hal gives a message that asks, "What are we selling?" As Christians we are a peculiar people called to live a certain way so that the world can see and eventually give glory to God.

  • (2018.06.10) Called in this Time
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    From the book of Esther we can learn how God has caused us to be born into the time He desires us for His purpose.

  • (2018.06.03) Living for Jesus
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    We are like miners who have been given a grubstake. We go out into the world and live each day doing what is before us, but in the end we must come back and give account and share with Jesus what we have done with what He has given to us.

  • (2018.05.27) Trusting God in the difficult and silent times
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    One of the most difficult things we face in this imperfect, broken world are trials and tribulations; times when everyone appears to desert us or when our best friend stabs us in the back. These are times of difficulty and apparent silence from God. It is a time where tunnel vision limits our sight of the big picture as God sees it and they are times where we cry where are you God? But this is the time where we need to look to the Cross of Christ.

  • (2018.05.13) Vision
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    Where there is no vision, the people perish. The lack of vision is a lack of direction for a person in life. The Bible gives clear examples of people who maintained the visions God gave them in spite of the ridicule and circumstances of life that made is seem that the vision was dead. Do you have a vision of God working in your life?

  • (2018.05.06) Prayer
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    How should we pray? Most people take prayer for granted in their Christian life but it is one of the most important tools we have at our disposal. Too often we enter into decisions before communicating with God in order to find out what His will for us is. Jesus showed us how to live and prayer was a key.

  • (2018.04.29) Blessed are the peacemakers
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    We are called to be peacemakers in a world that will never know peace without knowing Jesus. The world sees the peace of Christ in us as we deal with and exist in the turmoil that rages around us because of hearts chasing their own selfish desires.

  • (2018.04.22) Pure in heart
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    Without a pure heart you won't see God. The heat is deceitfully wicked and beyond healing. It is only through Christ Jesus that we can have a new pure heart.

  • (2018.04.15) Mercy
  • (2018.04.08) Home
  • (2018.04.01) Special Guest - Easter Sonrise sermon by Pastor Chad Fernald
    President of Southern District of Florida Conference, Advent Christian Denomination
  • (2018.03.25) The Death and Resurrection of Jesus
  • (2018.03.18) Today is the first day of the rest of your life
  • (2018.03.11) Sowing the Seed
  • (2018.03.04) Remember This
  • (2018.02.25) Reach out and Touch Someone
  • (2018.02.18) What is Salvation?
  • (2018.02.11) What kind of Gospel do you have?
  • 2018.02.04 The Message
  • 2018.01.21 We are disciples being disciples
  • 2018.01.14 Questions that confront us
  • 2018.01.07 Communion reminds us
  • 2017.12.31 A new year
  • 2017.12.17 Jesus is coming again
  • 2017.12.10 Stand
  • 2017.12.03 Mission of the Church
  • 2017.11.26 Living in Unity
  • 2017.11.19 Who do you think God is?
  • 2017.11.12 A New Person
  • 2017.11.05 Through the Eyes of God
  • 2017.10.29 Who We Are
  • 2017.10.22 The Church
  • 2017.10.15 Being an Example
  • 2017.10.08 Take My Yoke
  • 2017.10.01 The Signs: Warning or Encouragement?
  • 2017.09.24 Temptation to get ahead of God
  • 2017.09.03 Temptation, to get God to do your will
  • 2017.08.27 Temptation, to do it your own way
  • 2017.08.20 Temptation
  • 2017.08.13 The Good Ground
  • 2017.08.06 The Thorny Ground (starts about 60 secs into sermon do to mic failure)
  • 2017.07.30 The Rocky Ground
  • 2017.07.23 The Hard Ground
  • 2017.07.16 The Parable of the Sower
  • 2017.07.09 [Be Attitudes Series] Facing persecution
  • 2017.07.02 [Be Attitudes Series] Blessed are the peacemakers
  • 2017.06.25 [Be Attitudes Series] Blessed are the pure in heart
  • 2017.06.18 [Father's Day message by Phil Paxton] Jesus in the midst of the storm
  • 2017.06.11 [Be Attitudes Series] Sermon: Blessed are the merciful
  • 2017.06.04 [Be Attitudes Series] Sermon: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
  • 2017.05.28 [Be Attitudes Series] Sermon: Blessed are the Meek
  • 2017.05.21 [Be Attitudes Series] Sermon: Mourning
  • 2017.05.14 [Be Attitudes Series] Sermon: Poor in Spirit
  • 2017.05.07 Sermon: Trusting God
  • 2017.04.30 Sermon: Jesus is coming
  • 2017.04.23 Sermon: Simon Peter, just a man
  • 2017.04.09 Sermon: Volunteer or Servant?
  • 2017.04.02 Sermon: What Luke 14 teaches about being a disciple
  • 2017.03.19 Sermon: Love in the Spirit
  • 2017.03.12 Sermon: The things of God
  • 2017.03.05 Sermon: God's Word
  • 2017.02.26 Sermon: The Call
  • 2016.06.12 Sermon - Proclaim the Gospel
  • 2016.05.08 Sermon - The Gift of Salvation
  • 2016.05.01 Sermon - You Can Get Up
  • 2016.04.03 Sermon - Being a Christian an un-Christian World
  • 2016.04.24 Sermon - Speak oft with Your Lord
  • 2016.04.17 Sermon - We are here to Worship
  • 2016.04.10 Sermon - Jesus is Coming
  • 2016.03.27 Easter Service and Sermon
  • 2016.03.20 Sermon - More than Believing
  • 2016.03.13 Sermon - Love One Another
  • 2016.03.06 Sermon - Being a Christian in an un-Christian World
  • 2016.02.28 Sermon - God is Good
  • 2016.02.21 Sermon - Temptation is Only a Question
  • 2016.02.14 Sermon - Works
  • 2016.01.31 Sermon - Faith and Works
  • 2016.01.24 Sermon - Faith and Wisdom
  • 2016.01.10 Sermon - Faith and Vision
  • 2015.12.20 Christmas Pageant - What does Christmas Mean
  • 2015.12.13 Sermon - There is more to Salvation
  • 2015.12.06 Sermon - Jesus is on His Way
  • 2015.11.29 Sermon - Bad Company Corrupts
  • 2015.11.22 Sermon - Thanksgiving
  • 2015.11.15 Sermon - Jesus Love Me
  • 2015.11.08 Sermon - Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life
  • 2015.10.11 Sermon - Why Jesus Died
  • 2015.10.04 Sermon - God's Way
  • 2015.09.27 Sermon - Satan, the Enemy
  • 2015.09.20 Sermon - The Soils in Our Hearts
  • 2015.09.06 Sermon - What is First in You Life?
  • 2015.08.30 Sermon - Heaven
  • 2015.08.23 Sermon - We Live Under Delusion
  • 2015.08.15 Sermon - What is the Mark of a Christian
  • 2015.08.09 Sermon - Approved Workman are Not Ashamed
  • 2015.08.02 Sermon - The Armor of God
  • 2015.07.26 Sermon - Psalm 23
  • 2015.07.19 Sermon - God has Given You a Grubstake
  • 2015.07.12 Sermon - Do You Walk the Talk or Just Talk the Walk
  • 2015.07.05 Sermon - The Founders of America relied on Jesus
  • 2015.06.28 Sermon - Are You for Jesus or are You Against Jesus
  • 2015.06.21 Sermon - How can God be Glorified through this?
  • 2015.06.14 Sermon - How do You Survive the End Times
  • 2015.06.07 Sermon - Be Faithful in the Small Things
  • 2015.05.31 Sermon - Heaven is being Prepared for us
  • 2015.05.24 Sermon - Who can Accuse those Whom God has Saved?
  • 2015.05.17 Sermon - God Doesn't Give Second Rate Gifts
  • 2015.05.10 Sermon - Moving Beyond Deliverence to Children of God
  • 2015.05.03 Sermon - How do you get to know God?
  • 2015.04.26 Sermon - The fool says God does not exist
  • 2015.04.19 Sermon - What is God's vision for you?
  • 2015.04.12 Sermon - The Lord is coming again
  • 2015.04.05 Easter Sermon - We are Easter people
  • 2015.03.29 Sermon - The promises of God
  • 2015.03.22 Sermon - Caleb's example for us
  • 2015.03.15 Sermon - What does it mean to be saved?
  • 2015.03.08 Sermon - God has set you free to be you
  • 2015.03.01 Sermon - The many voices clamoring for our attention
  • 2015.02.22 Sermon - Why do we worship God
  • 2015.02.15 Sermon - Who we see God as
  • 2015.02.08 Sermon - There's no place like home
  • 2015.02.01 Sermon - Serving God, not man
  • 2015.01.25 Sermon - What kind of example
  • 2015.01.18 Sermon - Salvation
  • 2015.01.11 Sermon - God uses people who fail
  • 2015.01.04 Sermon - Unbelief will keep you from the promises of God
  • 2014.12.31 New Year's Eve Devotional
  • 2014.12.28 Sermon - It's your choice this coming year
  • 2014.12.14 Sermon - Many ignore the message of the Christ child
  • 2014.12.07 Sermon - Seeking the commander of the Lord's army
  • 2014.11.30 Sermon - Remember what God has done for you
  • 2014.11.23 Sermon - What do you have to be thankful for? - Reverend Joe Pritchard
  • 2014.11.16 Sermon - Small Choices
  • 2014.11.09 Sermon - The resurrection
  • 2014.11.02 Sermon - Rahab: From prostitute to great grandmother of Jesus
  • 2014.10.26 Sermon - They'll know we are Christians by our love
  • 2014.10.19 Sermon - Do you rely on the Word?
  • 2014.10.12 Sermon - The King is coming again
  • 2014.10.05 Sermon - God fights for you
  • 2014.09.28 Sermon - As Christians we can smile
  • 2014.09.21 Sermon - Saved but in the wilderness
  • 2014.09.14 Sermon - A successful failure
  • 2014.09.07 Sermon - Are you wandering in the desert land
  • 2014.08.31 Sermon - What do you do when God doesn't answer you?
  • 2014.08.24 Sermon - Going to church verses being the church
  • 2014.08.17 Sermon - What is the difference between God and the things in your life?
  • 2014.08.10 Sermon - Knowledge of God but without practice
  • 2014.08.03 Sermon - The glory of God
  • 2014.07.27 Sermon - The fear of the Lord
  • 2014.07.20 Sermon - The Second Coming of Jesus
  • 2014.07.13 Sermon - Living sacrifices transformed
  • 2014.07.06 Sermon - Do not be anxious
  • 2014.06.29 Sermon - Stewardship
  • 2014.06.22 Sermon - Where are we on God's timeline?
  • 2014.06.15 Sermon - God orchestrates fathers in our lives
  • 2014.06.08 Sermon - A declaration of dependence
  • 2014.06.01 Sermon - Message from Pastor Jim Cannon
  • 2014.05.25 Sermon - Who is Jesus and what does the mean to you?
  • 2014.05.18 Sermon - Jesus sees the need
  • 2014.05.11 Sermon - Three things we all have in common
  • 2014.05.04 Sermon - Our church's mission
  • 2014.04.27 Sermon - Contentment
  • 2014.04.13 Sermon - Rejoice in the Lord Always
  • 2014.04.06 Sermon - Knowing Christ
  • 2014.03.30 Sermon - Hidden in Christ Jesus
  • 2014.03.23 Sermon - Being Transformed into Christ
  • 2014.03.16 Sermon - What is our number one goal?
  • 2014.03.09 Sermon - Secure in Christ Jesus
  • 2014.03.02 Sermon - Confidence in God
  • 2014.02.23 Sermon - Prayer is a discipline
  • 2014.02.16 Sermon - 66 Books, The of God
  • 2014.02.09 Sermon - The Church glorifying God
  • 2014.02.02 Sermon - Those who believe are filled with the Holy Spirit are Christ's body